Welcome to gaslighters

Holding grifters, scammers and gaslighters accountable

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Vani Hari (The Food Babe): How Fear-Mongering Became a Business Model

Vani Hari, known as The Food Babe, rose to prominence through social media by exposing what she called the “hidden dangers” in everyday foods. Her brand capitalizes on public fear about chemicals, processed foods, and modern agricultural practices. Through bold claims, often unsupported by scientific consensus, Hari has built a multi-million-dollar empire that includes books, supplements, and subscription services. However, her approach to “food safety” and the tactics she employs have drawn widespread criticism from scientists, nutritionists, and industry experts.

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The Rise and Fall of iilluminaughtii - One of YouTube’s Biggest Gaslighters

The ethics of Zon’s approach are questionable at best. By exploiting a younger audience that lacked the experience to critically assess her content, she built a business model that prioritized viral success over factual accuracy. These young viewers became pawns in her broader strategy of sensationalism and misinformation. Her ability to gaslight and manipulate ensured that her income continued to grow, even as she began to face serious ethical challenges from peers in the YouTube community

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